Sunday, March 23

Final Week of March's Video Game Releases

At least it's the final full week of March, which means we've almost hit April. Time just flies when such good game releases our hitting the shelves.

Highlights of this week include the fun, cutesy RPG "Opoona" on the Wii, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword for the DS with it's new release date (friggin push-backs), Command and Conquer 3, and the one that I bet most of the Sony-Heads are excited for Crisis Core on the PSP. Yep, that one's on it's way too.

Alright, you good? Well, let's hit the jump and see the full list! Remember, bolds are ones that are worth a check out too.

Nintendo DS

Harvest Moon DS Cute - March 25th, 2008 - Farming / Strategy
Plushees - March 25th, 2008 - Virtual Care-Taking Sim
Mazes of Fate - March 26th, 2008 - RPG / Adventure

B&W Pick of the Week

Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword (again) - March 25th, 2008

-Game Trailer's Review of Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword-


Obscure: The Aftermath - March 25th, 2008 - Survival Horror
Sword of the Stars: Collector's Edition - March 25, 2008 - Sci-Fi TBS
Tales of Pirates - March 25th, 2008 - MMORPG
Belief and Betrayal - March 25th, 2008 - Adventure
Australia Zoo Quest - March 25th, 2008 - Puzzle
Warriors Orochi - March 25th, 2008 - Beat Em Up / Hack N Slash
Aggression - Reign Over Europe - March 25th, 2008 - Historic RTS

B&W Pick of the Week

Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath - March 24th, 2008

Playstation 2

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 - March 25th, 2008 - Fighting

B&W Pick of the Week

Obscure: The Aftermath - March 25th, 2008

Playstation 3

Viking: Battle for Asgard - March 25th, 2008 - Action / Hack N Slash

B&W Pick of the Week

Dark Sector - March 25th, 2008

-GameTrailer's Preview of Dark Sector-

Playstation Portable

Warriors Orochi - March 25th, 2008 - Hack N Slash / Beat Em Up

B&W Pick of the Week

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - March 25th, 2008

Nintendo Wii

Summer Sports: Paradise Island - March 27th, 2008 - Family Sports Game
Obscure: The Aftermath - March 25th, 2008 - Survival Horror
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk - March 25th, 2008 - Jet Simulation
MiniCopter: Adventure Flight - March 25th, 2008 - Helicopter Simulation
Emergency Mayhem - March 25th, 2008 - Driving / Missions
Octomania - March 25th, 2008 - Puzzle

B&W Pick of the Week

Opoona - March 25th, 2008

Xbox 360

Dark Sector - March 25th, 2008 - Sci-Fi Shooter
Viking: Battle for Asgard - March 25th, 2008 - Action / Hack N Slash

B&W Pick of the Week

Universe At War: Earth Assault - March 25th, 2008


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