Saturday, April 26

The Week Hath Ended

Hey gamers, the week's over yet again and we've had a record week. Reached almost 1k hits one of the days (let's do that again) and a record amount of posts, this should be the 35th post of the week if I'm correct.

Tons of awesome news this week, Metal Gear Online Beta started, which we've lost ryizzel to I fear. Then Grand Theft Auto IV grows even closer than before...but let's see the highlights of the week.

-In honor of 4/20 ryizzel wrote up the article: "Top 10 Games to Play While Baked"
-Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe rears it's gaming head.
-Playstation Home gets yet another delay.
-Nintendo announces no price drop for Wii or DS.
-Don't forget about the free promo cards for Eye of Judgment.

Pretty awesome week if I do say so myself gamers, what are you guys playing right now? I'm sort of in that bleak transitional period where I'm not playing anything in particular. Just an hour or two on older games here and there.


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