Wednesday, April 16

Konami Denies Entry into Beta

For all you unlucky souls that didn't get into Metal Gear Online Beta, *cough*Undrallio*cough*, there is still hope to get wait, never mind!

Last week, a clever user over at the GameTrailers Forums by the name of shhhoff composed a guide on how to navigate Konami's Japanese website in order to get a MGO beta key.

Unfortunately however, Konami has issued an official GTFO to anyone who has used this back-door method.

From: コナミカスタマーサービス
Date: 2008/4/16
Subject: NOTICE: KONAMI ID Deletion/KONAMI ID登録の取り消しのお知らせ

この度は、KONAMI IDをご利用頂き、誠にありがとうございます。

ご登録いただきましたKONAMI IDに於きまして、虚偽の情報によるご登録が確認されました。

これは、KONAMI ID基本利用規約「2.4 禁止事項」に該当する行為となります為、同規約「2.2 登録者情報(3)」に従い、登録の取り消しを実施いたします。

このメールを受信以降、ご登録いただきましたKONAMI IDをご利用いただく事はできません。

KONAMI ID基本利用規約は「」から

本メールに関するお問い合わせは、KONAMI IDお問い合わせフォーム

なお、「METAL GEAR ONLINE PREMIERE β」参加をご希望される方は、お住まいの地域のベータテストの参加方法をご確認いただき、改めてKONAMI IDを取得の上、ご参加ください。

Thank you for using KONAMI ID.

However, we regret to inform you that your KONAMI ID has been deleted due to the registration of false information. We would like to add that this is in direct breach of the KONAMI ID Basic Terms and Conditions of Use clauses "2.4 Prohibited Conduct" as well as "2.2 Registrant Information".

Your KONAMI ID will be deleted once you have read this mail.

For more details on the Terms and Conditions of use, please refer to the below web address.

Should you have any further inquiries, please contact us from the below page.

If you wish to take part in the "METAL GEAR ONLINE PREMIERE BETA" test, we would recommend that you obtain a KONAMI ID for the region you live in provided that the public beta test is open to you.

Yours Sincerely

KONAMI ID services

Anyone who has played a beta of an MMO can understand why Konami is acting this way. The last thing they need is 500,000 American players on their Japanese servers lagging everything to hell.


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elBeastro said...

Does that mean you got it? Or just Undrallio didn't get it?

Undrallio said...

It means both, ryizzel got in, Undra didn't. Ryizzel's a lamer btw.

blank said...

you jus mad cuz I be in teh beta homie.