Wednesday, September 17

Mirror's Edge Leaps Onto Store Shelves November 11th

Mirror's Edge, DICE's new anticipated and heavily talked about first-person parkour game has just recieved a final, offical release date. The game will be available at retail stores on November 11th for the PS3 and Xbox 360, while the PC users will have to wait until this "winter".

DICE also said that they'll be giving gamers a little taste for the game with a downloadable demo for PS3/360 in the near future, and a special treat for people who preorder with certain retailers in the form of a code that unlocks Time Trial mode for the demo.

While that perk sounds interesting, it's definitely not the best preorder gift that's been handed out, and once that game is in your hands it should feel pretty chincy. But what's a gamer gonna do?



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